System Principle
Geocellular Rainwater Management System HOENSOEY Cells Application

Due to its high strength and hollow structure, the HOENSOEY modular geocellular unit is better able to serve on stable supports, forming a multi-functional geocellular rainwater management system. On the one hand, the HOENSOEY geo-cellular storage tank concentrates rainwater in its interior for retention, infiltration or irrigation treatment, which can reduce rainwater overflow. On the other hand, the whole water treatment process makes groundwater replenished.
In addition, the Geocellular Rainwater Management System will create air gaps to evaporate water, thus it effectively reduces the negative impact from “Heat island” effect on the environment. In general, it helps to form an environmentally-friendly and uninterrupted modern surface shallow water treatment application system. At the same time, the whole system plays an important role in creating ecological landscapes and beautifying cities. Moreover, it conforms to the concept of “let the ground breathe freely”. Overall, the whole system is consistent with the meaning of sponge city construction.
The system requires only 33 cm of excavation depth, which significantly reduces construction costs. Also, no water pumps and other equipment are required, as the HOENSOEY stormwater module can completely replace water pipes.

Sustainable Urban Drainage System (SUDS), Simple and economical

HOENSOEY Cells, exclusive first-of-its-kind, multi-part hexagons.

Recyclable, environmentally friendly materials.

Long Service Life
Under normal conditions, with a service life of up to 50 years
“… HOENSOEY Cells Application Geocellular Water Management System…”
The Geocellular Rainwater Management System can solve the problems of water logging in the square. In addition, it allows rainwater to seep underground and has a large capacity rainwater retention space. The HOENSOEY geocellular storage can reinforce the basement of ground, and make sure that the ground remains flat.
Significance of Shallow Rainwater Management
Maximize Utilization of Rainwater
Based on vertical planning and drainage planning, the utilization of rainwater resources can be maximized.
-Make full use of technologies such as "seepage, storage, stagnation, purification, use, and drainage".
-Design water-saving topography, infiltration and drainage flow lines, regulation and storage facilities, and water collection terminals.
Minimization of water consumption.
Some of the plants best adapted to local habitats rely on rainfall for their health and appearance. Respecting the principle of nature, the design of the community is based on "plant configuration" and "planting technology", which is an important manifestation of water consumption minimization in gardens.
Water Drainage
In upstream basins of the drainage system, where rainwater seeps into the ground on the spot, discharge times can be relatively long. Sometimes water is temporarily stored to achieve the effect of peak reduction, flow reduction, purification of surface water runoff, and replenishment of groundwater storage.
Self-circulating System
The geocellular rainwater management system treats and purifies water efficiently, and makes rainwater temporarily stored in the groundwater tank. On the one hand, water can naturally seep into the ground to replenish underground water. On the other hand, it can be recycled for irrigation purposes or for industrial and daily use.
Optimization of the Ecological Environment
Plant flowers on the roof to intercept rainwater. Temporarily storing and filtering rainwater on the grounds of industrial green field sites will effectively reduce pollutants flowing into rivers. Collect rainwater in storage tanks in open areas of the ground. When there is heavy rain, cellular rainwater management systems can help store some of the rainwater. In this way, it can also beautify the environment.
Sustainable Application
The depth of the excavation is shallow and easy to maintain. Moreover, HOENSOEY modular geocellular units are made of high-quality materials. They are under the ground in a shallow layer, and need not be exposed to direct sunlight. HOENSOEY modular geocellular units do no damage to the ground base, so the ground can remain flat, which makes the materials of the ground durable. It greatly extends the useful life of paving materials.
HOENSOEY Cell is a new type of rainwater storage honeycomb units with ultra-high compression strength and unique buckles. It is a core component in shallow surface water treatment systems.